Project Reset LLC

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           About Project Reset LLC
Project Reset is a ministry that identifies the root causes of sin permeating throughout the body of Christ. We identify and dispel the many myths and false doctrines in the church, and traditions of men that cause the word of God to be of no effect.    

We teach believers how to intelligently study and apply the word of God in everyday living. Just like the scripture in 2nd Timothy says “rightly dividing the word of truth”. By doing this, we reset the spiritual man to come back alive. Just like you reset your cable box when the television is not working properly, by unplugging the television and cable box for a few seconds then plugging and turning everything back on again. This resetting of the spiritual man will allow you to talk to God, be directed by God, serve God and hear from God more clearly. Your efforts will no longer be a mixture of truth and error, obedience and disobedience, understanding and confusion, but you will come to learn of God and his ways.

Committed to the uncompromising word of God.